
Scientific publications

Л.П. Свириденко, Э.В. Исанина, Н.В. Шаров.
Глубинное строение, вулканоплутонизм и тектоника Приладожья
L.P. Sviridenko, E.V. Isanina, N.V. Sharov. Deep structure, volcano-plutonism and tectonics of lake Ladoga region // Transactions of Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Science. No 2. Precambrian Geology Series. 2017. Pp. 73-85
Keywords: diaper; tectonics; Ladoga region; seismic velocities; Earth’s crust; M-discontinuity; upper mantle
Peculiarities of the Ladoga region magmatic tectonics are described on the basis of longterm investigation of volcano-plutonism and interpretation of the latest data on the deep structure of the Earth’s crust. The predominant role of mantle diapirism in the evolution of diastrophic movement is substantiated.
Indexed at RSCI
Last modified: February 27, 2017