
Scientific publications

Ю.Е. Дейнес, В.В. Ковалевский, И.В. Кочнева, И.А. Мошников, В.С. Рожкова.
Физико-химические свойства шунгитовых пород различных стратиграфических уровней заонежской свиты
Yu.E. Deines, V.V. Kovalevski, I.V. Kochneva, I.A. Moshnikov, V.S. Rozhkova. Physical and chemical properties of shungite rocks from different stratigraphic levels of the Zaonega formation // Transactions of Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Science. No 2. Precambrian Geology Series. 2020. Pp. 84-89
Keywords: shungite rocks; petrochemical modules; stratigraphy; sorption activity; shielding efficiency

Studies of shungite rocks confined to deposits located at different stratigraphic levels of the Zaonega Formation of the Paleoproterozoic of Karelia have been carried out. The peak metamorphism temperatures were estimated using Raman spectroscopy to study carbonaceous matter (shungite). It is shown that the lowest temperatures (316-324ºC) are typical for shungite rocks of the sixth horizon, and the highest for samples of the second horizon (356-379ºC), both with their significant difference and relative constancy for different rocks of the same horizon. The physical and chemical properties of shungite rocks important for their practical use, sorption activity and electrophysical properties were studied. Sixth-level rocks have the lowest sorption activity and electrical conductivity, although this dependence is not completely unambiguous and is also determined by the properties of the carbonaceous substance, its content and distribution.
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Last modified: February 26, 2020