
Scientific publications

В.В. Щипцов, Т.П. Бубнова, Е.Н. Светова, Л.С. Скамницкая.
Кварцевое сырье Карело-Кольского региона: основные итоги исследований
V.V. Shchiptsov, T.P. Bubnova, E.N. Svetova, L.S. Skamnitskaya. Quartz raw materials of the Karelian-Kola region: major research results // Transactions of Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Science. No 10. Precambrian Geology Series. 2020. Pp. 5-25
Keywords: quartz raw material; Karelian-Kola Province; high-purity quartz; quality, enrichment technology; forecasting
The article draws attention to the fact that the crystal lattice of quartz allows for very little isomorphism, most elements encountered in quartz (Na, K, Ca, Mg, Ba, Sr, Rb, REE, Mn, U, Th) are associated with fluid and micromineral inclusions. Quartz is regarded as an industrial mineral with the main focus on its use as high-purity quartz. The scheme of the industrial application of quartz and the products of its technological processing is provided. The chronological sequence of stages in research on quartz raw materials in the Karelian-Kola quartz province is described, and the industrial significance of various genetic typesof quartz deposits (vein, pegmatite, silexite, high-purity quartzites, muscovite and kyanite quartzites, quartz conglomerates, silicites) is demonstrated. The various characteristics of the main deposits of quartz raw materials at present (Perchatka, Fen’kina-Lampi, Melomais, and Stepanovo Ozero) are reported. The role of the Institute of Geology KarRC RAS in producing recent results allowing new approaches to the assessment of quartz raw material in the Karelian-Kola region to be designed is highlighted. The work of IG KarRC RAS staff in collaboration with other organizations in the country (VIMS, IGEM RAS, IG Komi SC Ural Branch RAS, GI KSC RAS, TsNIIgeolnerud, Tsentrkvarz) has contributed significantly to the science-based assessment of quartz raw material in the Karelian-Kola quartziferous province of Russia. The proposed solutions have been tested in application to the methods for evaluating the quality of raw materials and enrichment technology using natural quartz from Perchatka, Melomais, Rukhnavolok, etc.
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Last modified: November 1, 2020