
Scientific publications

Турченко С.И.
Металлогения и тектоническая эволюция протоматериков Лавразия и Гондвана в докембрии
Turchenko S.I. Precambrian metallogeny and tectonic development of the Earth’s protocontinents Laurasia and Gondwana // Transactions of Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Science. No 2. Precambrian Geology Series. 2022. Pp. 5-32
Keywords: metallogeny; ore genesis; Archean-Proterozoic; Gondwana; Laurasia; ore bearing structures
The article explores regularities in the tectonic and metallogenic development of early protocontinents of the Earth (Laurasia and Gondwana) from the time of their appearance during crust and mantle inhomogeneity and disintegration of the united continent Rodinia late in the Proterozoic eon (1.7–0.6 Ga). It also demonstrates the role the formation of ophiolites in Fennoscandia and North American craton belts, as well as the Paleoproterozoic folding and collision structures of Eurasia, South America, and Australia has played in these processes. Another issue considered here is the tectonic and metallogenic significance of the anorogenic granitoid volcanic-plutonic belts and the AMCG association in general, which is especially typical in the Gondwana group of modern continents.
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Last modified: April 1, 2022