
Scientific publications

К.Г. Ерофеева, А.В. Самсонов, Т.А. Пилицына, А.Н. Ларионов, В.А. Спиридонов, А.В. Постников, А.Ю. Вовшина, А.С. Дубенский.
Реликты разрушенных океанических островных дуг в палеопротерозойском Вятском орогене (Восточно-Европейский кратон)
K.G. Erofeeva, A.V. Samsonov, T.A. Pilitsyna, A.N. Larionov, V.A. Spiridonov, A.V. Postnikov, A.Yu. Vovshina, A.S. Dubenskiy. Relicts of destroyed oceanic island arcs in the paleoproterozoic vyatka orogen (East-European craton) // Transactions of Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Science. No 5. Precambrian Geology Series. 2022. P. 34–37
Keywords: East European craton; Volgo-Uralia; orogens; oceanic island arcs
On the basis of the study of Early Precambrian metamorphosed volcanogenic-sedimentary rocks of the Vyatka belt of the northeastern Volga-Ural megablock, East European craton, the report will consider the tectonic setting of the formation of this belt and its place in the paleocontinental correlations 2.2-2.0 Ga ago.
Last modified: September 30, 2022