
Scientific publications

Т.В. Каулина, Л.И. Нерович, В.И. Бочаров, В.В. Шиловских, В.Л. Ильченко.
Палеопротерозойский расслоенный массив Ярва-варака (Кольский регион) – возможная астроблема
Т.V. Kaulina, L.I. Nerovich, V.I. Bocharov, V.V. Shilovskikh, V.L. Il’chenko. Paleoproterozoic layered jarva-varaka massif (Kola region) – a probable astrobleme // Transactions of Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Science. No 5. Precambrian Geology Series. 2022. P. 42–45
Keywords: astroblems; impact structures; shock metamorphism; Precambrian; Monchegorsk ore district
Signs of shock metamorphism in rocks and minerals of the layered Jarva-varaka massif and the host rocks are described. The massif is located in the Monchegorsk ore district of the Kola region. Signs of the impact genesis of the massif include pseudotachylite breccia, "kink-banding" structures in biotite and clinozoisite, planar deformations in quartz, diaplectic glasses of zircon, sillimanite, and plagioclase, and deformation microstructures in monazite. The totality of available features allows us to assume the impact origin of the Jarva-Varaka massif ca. 2.5 Ga ago.
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Last modified: September 30, 2022