Scientific publicationsСтепанов В.С., Степанова А.В. Ранние палеопротерозойские метагаббро района с. Гридино (Беломорский подвижный пояс) // Геология и полезные ископаемые Карелии. Вып. 9. Петрозаводск: КарНЦ РАН, 2006. C. 55–71
The geology, petrography and geochemistry of the Early Proterozoic metagabbroids that form dyke swarms in the Gridino dyke field (Gridino area, western White Sea region) is discussed. Based on the data, obtained in the past few years, a new group of rocks, formed over a relatively narrow and poorly understood time interval of 2,50–4,43 Ga, is distinguished in the mafic complexes of the Belomorian Mobile Belt. geologia9_55.pdf (6.49 Mb, total downloads: 232)
Last modified: January 26, 2007