
Scientific publications

Трофимов Н.Н., Сафронов В.Н., Греченкова Г.П.
Находка фрагмента древней коры выветривания на Онежско-Ладожском перешейке
// Геология и полезные ископаемые Карелии. Вып. 9. Петрозаводск: КарНЦ РАН, 2006. C. 121–126
A buried bed of an old crust of weathering was found on the slope of the big Vokhtozero aggradation hill. Its chemical and mineral compositions were analysed. The path of glacial transport of a fragment of the crust of weathering and its conservation conditions in aqueo-glacial deposits were reconstructed. The fragment is assumed to be a Vendian or Early Phanerozoic linear-type crust formed on carbonate rocks.

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Last modified: January 26, 2007