IG Structure

Laboratory of Precambrian Geology and Geodynamics


  • May 29 - 31, 2017
    Scientific conference (with foreign participation) "Early Precambrian vs Modern Geodynamics"
  • Staff

    Head, Chief Researcher, Deputy Director General for Research Administration of the Karelian Research Centre of the RAS, Dr. of Geology and Mineralogy
    Senior Researcher, Cand. of Geology & Mineralogy
    Fateeva, A. A.
    Isachenko, A. A.
    Senior Technician
    Kervinen, A. V.
    Researcher, Cand. of Geology & Mineralogy
    Senior Researcher, Deputy Chairman of the Council of Young Scientists in the Institute of Geology, Cand. (PhD) of Techn.
    Leading Geologist
    Lezzhov, A. M.
    Laboratory Research Assistant
    Lutikov, A. V.
    Junior Researcher
    Maksimov, O. A.
    Researcher, Cand. of Geology & Mineralogy
    Senior Researcher, Cand. of Geology & Mineralogy
    Senior Researcher, Chairman of the Council of Young Scientists in the Institute of Geology, Cand. of Geology & Mineralogy
    Senior Technician
    Researcher, Cand. of Geology & Mineralogy
    Leading Researcher, Deputy Director for Science of the Institute of Geology, Cand. of Geology & Mineralogy
    Leading Researcher, Dr. of Geology and Mineralogy
    Ystinova, V. V.
    Junior Researcher